Photography Studio Open During Covid-19


I can work on my own using all the same equipment and facilities in my studio that I used before the Covid-19 outbreak.

For the safety of all I follow the latest The AOP SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Shoot/Production Guidelines vAOP-04 Jan 2021.

These guidelines are very extensive but here are some main points  to considered before a shoot:



  • Stagger call times where possible to avoid congestion.
  • Keep the unit as small as possible and minimise the number of crew/ agency/client/talent on set at any one time.
  • Wear face-coverings as much as possible indoors.
  • Wash and thoroughly dry hands on arrival and during the day at regular intervals. Alcohol-based (60% minimum) sanitisers should be easily accessible throughout the set/location as well as soap and water provided wherever possible.
  • Consider a video-conferencing facility relaying video remotely to agency/client
  • All crew to adhere to any safety guidelines or notices given on the day
  • For your safety: On receipt of products  I will disinfect thems before the shoot and again when I package them up to be returned to you. If the products to be photographed are not wipeable then I will either leave them for at least 48-72 hours before shooting and / or wear surgical gloves when touching them.


  •  HMU to utilise disposable kit where possible.
  • Kit should remain unique to each artist/talent.
  • Follow appropriate disinfecting processes, e.g., using Barbicide or equivalent.
  • Talent to do their own touch-ups where possible.
  •  If HMU team need to step in they should wear enhanced (tier 2) PPE
  • Provide sufficient space for both departments to maintain an appropriate physical distance.


I have a large selection of backgrounds and props in-house as well as a super kitchen.

product photography studio open covid-19
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